Holiday Outfits!
Dress - TK Maxx Shoes - New Look
Dress - George at Asda Shoes - TK Maxx
Skirt - Missguided Top - New Look Shoes - New Look
Culottes - Missguided Top - TK Maxx Shoes - TK Maxx
Dress - H&M Shoes - New Look
Jeans - M&S Top - Primark Shoes - TK Maxx
Dungarees - New Look Top - TK Maxx Shoes - M&S
Helloooooooo, It's been so long I know! It's been one hell of a year! I now have a boyfriend who I love so much and could not be happier with.. Yes my black heart has been melted, who'd have thought it. His name is Kristyan and he is one gorgeous human being. You'll see him soon on a post coming shortly of my holiday photos, and of course I make him have photos which he is always less than impressed with but he does it anyway, yay!
Back to the post, these are some of the outfits I wore on my holiday to Newquay during the summer. I will have another post with outfits I wore when I went to Newquay the time before in may.
Thats all for now folks, see you in my next post